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All NaCTSO guidance is now available on and will no longer be available on this website.

Protect UK
You have the power to protect, and the shared responsibility to prepare. Become a part of a community working together to protect the nation, preparing for resilience in the face of future obstacles.
ProtectUK provides vital information, official guidance and leading advice, helping you to detect vulnerabilities and connecting you with the best resources.
It is a space for individuals, communities, businesses, government and policing to come together, uniting on a shared mission to increase safety and security across the nation.
ProtectUK has been developed by the Counter Terrorism Alliance, a focussed collaboration of three leading organisations: NaCTSO, Homeland Security Group (Home Office) and Pool Reinsurance. As part of this venture ProtectUK links in with a range of other leading government and policing bodies to ensure the platform has the latest, up to date guidance that can help businesses and individuals protect their staff, customers and location.
There is a strong need to support businesses to prepare and protect their premises, offering them access to resources that help them ensure they have the security measures in place that take into account the ever evolving threat of terrorism.
ProtectUK offers guidance from NaCTSO, NPSA and more, helping you to refresh your counter terrorism awareness.
To ensure we keep users up to date with the latest in the world of counter terrorism, ProtectUK hosts webinars, provides regular news updates and offers forums for discussions, helping you connect with other professionals to discuss and ask questions around the world of security.
We look forward to welcoming you to ProtectUK and look forward to you coming on this journey with us.
For all current and future NaCTSO guidance, please visit This NaCTSO page will no longer be updated with guidance.