Joined up government support at Seawork International 2014
UKTI DSO and MoD hosted a joint stand at Seawork to promote defence exports and sales to UK armed forces.

The joint UKTI DSO/MoD stand offered HMG support for military sales, both at home and overseas.
UK Trade & Investment Defence and Security Organisation (UKTI DSO), Ministry of Defence’s Supplier Relations Team (SRT) and Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) hosted a joint stand at Seawork International 2014. Seawork is a major exhibition and conference focusing on the military and commercial marine sectors.
This event proved an ideal platform for government advisers across both departments. It provided advice, information and support for companies wishing to increase their military business, both at home and overseas.
The stand received a number of visitors, from the public as well as exhibitors. A series of 1 – 1 appointments between advisers and industry took place throughout the week, this led to some very interesting discussions which are being followed up.
The UKTI DSO Export Support Team (EST) also used the stand to demonstrate equipment provided by their UK SME customers.
UKTI’s overseas officials brought Naval delegations from Italy, Brazil and the Cameroon to Seawork. These naval officials spent time in a variety of activities, including:
holding meetings with UK companies
visiting the stands
speaking at the Seawork Conference.
For more information on this or other UKTI DSO events and activities please email

Members of the Italian Naval Delegation assemble at the UKTI DSO/MoD stand before commencing their tour of the Seawork 2014 exhibition