Key stage 2 test results published
Find out the results of tests in reading, writing and maths at the end of primary school in summer 2012.

National, regional and local authority figures for key stage 2 tests in reading, writing and maths at the end of primary school were published today (20 September 2012).
This is an interim year for key stage 2 tests following recommendations made by the Bew Review into testing, assessment and accountability. For writing, there was no externally marked key stage 2 test. The subject’s score was solely based on teacher assessment of a pupil’s writing. This means that direct comparisons with previous years’ scores are not possible.
Percentage of pupils reaching Level 4 or above | ||||||
Subject | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | Since 2011 |
English | 81 | 80 | 80 | 82 | 85* | n/a* |
Reading | 87 | 86 | 83 | 84 | 87 | +3 |
Writing | 68 | 68 | 71 | 75 | 81* | n/a* |
Maths | 79 | 79 | 79 | 80 | 84 | +4 |
Both English and maths | 73 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 80* | n/a* |
Note* - the figures for 2012 and 2011 are not directly compatible as the method of assessing English writing has changed
Elizabeth Truss, Minister for Education and Childcare, said:
I congratulate pupils, teachers and families on their hard work and achievements. The Government is committed to driving up standards by giving teachers more freedom, strengthening discipline and improving teacher quality.
Notes to editors
The tests were taken by 542,500 11-year-olds in May this year (2012)
The statistical first release (SFR) showing the key stage 2 provisional results is available on the official statistics section.
Changes to the administrative process of marking tests may happen from year to year and care should be taken when comparing results between years. Readers’ attention is drawn to guidance within the SFR on the impact of changes when comparing this year’s results with other years.
An approximately 5% sample of the pupils at the end of KS2 took science sampling tests to estimate national attainment in the subject.
An approximately 10% sample of the pupils at the end of KS2 took writing sampling tests to estimate the standard of writing nationally.
Teacher assessment judgements were also published at key stage 2.
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