Key worker status for the private security industry
How the SIA is responding to the coronavirus pandemic.

At this time I am able to confirm that the current definition of key worker DOES include regulated (licence holding) security professionals, essential to national infrastructure, operating in critical roles under the 8 broad headings listed.
To prioritise pressure on the schools system, it does NOT extend to all licence holders. It is role dependent.
Government advice is to stay at home whenever possible. It is to keep your children at home whenever possible – even if you are a key worker. If, and only if, you are undertaking a role critical to the nation’s COVID-19 response, which you can only do by accessing the school system and/or travelling, should you do so as a key worker.
It seems to me that this definition covers, amongst other areas, security provision in hospitals; social care; courts; government estate; supermarkets and the food supply chain; the transport network; national infrastructure and utilities to name but a few. If you are providing essential security to a service which itself remains critical and functioning, which attracts key worker status, then you are likely to be covered. If in doubt, check with whoever contracts for your services.
As such, not every role under health, education or any of the other headings will be covered. You will all need to apply judgement, with the aim of minimising social contact where possible. The words to focus on are ‘necessary’, ‘critical’ and ‘essential’, otherwise please stay at home and minimise the transmission risks for the benefit of your health, your families, the general public and the NHS.
These are unprecedented times, which we will only get through by working together.
Further updates will be available via this webpage when available.
Ian Todd
Chief Executive