News story

Latest topics referred to NICE: December 2011

Department of Health ministers agreed to refer the following topics to the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence** **(NICE) …

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Department of Health ministers agreed to refer the following topics to the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence** **(NICE) in December, to begin the process of developing guidance for each topic.

Public health

These are the public health topics that have been referred to NICE.

  • Guidance for employers on management practices to improve the health of employees, with particular focus on the role of line managers. The guidance will cover support for managers, training and awareness of employee health issues including managing sickness absence, as well as policies and the organisational context.
  • Guidance for employers and employees on effective and cost effective approaches for promoting and protecting the health of workers with chronic diseases (including cancer, HIV, diabetes, musculoskeletal conditions and arthritis) and long term conditions and for effective management of sickness absence associated with these conditions.
  • Guidance for employers and employees on effective and cost effective policies and approaches for promoting and protecting the health of older workers, including workplace adaptations and work adjustments to changing needs, to extend working lives and as preparation for retirement.

Find out more about NICE public health guidance on the NICE website.

About NICE referrals

NICE is an independent organisation responsible for providing national guidance on promoting good health and preventing and treating ill health.

Department of Health ministers refer topics to NICE and NICE schedules these topics into its work programme, to begin the process of developing guidance for each topic.

Depending on the type of guidance and its complexity, this can take between 6 months and 2 years.

NICE guidance includes technology appraisals, clinical guidelines, public health guidelines and quality standards.

Find out more about NICE guidance on the NICE website.

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Published 28 February 2012