Launch of the Procuring for Growth Balanced Scorecard
Government will use its huge purchasing power to help support economic growth through the introduction of a balanced scorecard system.

The new scorecard system has been designed to help ensure that major government procurements have a positive impact on economic growth, as well as achieving best value for the taxpayer.
The guidance, developed by the Crown Commercial Service, introduces a balanced scorecard approach, which government departments should use in designing major works, infrastructure and capital investment procurements where the value is more than £10 million.
The scorecard helps procurers to consider the project requirements and needs, with criteria such as cost balanced against social, economic and environmental considerations.
By using this method, government departments can clearly set out how priority policy themes such as workforce skills development, small business engagement and sustainability may be integrated into their procurement activities.
This underlines to suppliers the overall impact that the department wants to achieve and signals how this will be assessed when considering individual tenders.
Each department should produce a project-specific balanced scorecard to be published with their procurement documentation.
Notes to editors:
This guidance applies to all works, infrastructure and capital investment procurements with a value greater than £10 million (“in-scope procurements”). Departments are encouraged to adopt the approach for other procurements where there are clear benefits to doing so.
The model balanced scorecard strategic policy themes are: * solutions quality * cost * supply chain * employment/skills * environmental sustainability * health & safety * outcome benefits