Press release

Leadership of Infrastructure UK

The Treasury is today announcing the appointment of Geoffrey Spence as the new Chief Executive of Infrastructure UK.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

The Treasury is today announcing the appointment of Geoffrey Spence as the new Chief Executive of Infrastructure UK. 

Geoffrey Spence combines a background in infrastructure finance in Deutsche Bank AG and HSBC Bank plc, with a track record of delivering at the heart of Whitehall.  He will also be the lead corporate finance practitioner in the Treasury.

The Infrastructure UK Advisory Council, chaired by Paul Skinner, will continue with its existing remit to act to support and guide the Treasury’s infrastructure work.

Responding to this announcement, Paul Skinner said:

“I welcome the increased focus that the Treasury is bringing to the infrastructure agenda, and am delighted to be welcoming someone of Geoffrey Spence’s experience and calibre as Chief Executive of Infrastructure UK. 

The UK faces an enormous challenge to build the infrastructure we need to underpin future UK growth and competitiveness.  With the rest of the Advisory Council, I would like to thank Andy Rose for the way he has led Infrastructure UK over the last six months.  I am looking forward to working with Geoffrey and Peter Schofield, Director of Enterprise and Growth, in delivering our important infrastructure agenda, and to provide those projects that are most important for economic growth with the focus they need.”

Notes for editors

1. Infrastructure is one of the six work streams in the second phase of the Government’s growth review, and which is led for the Treasury by Peter Schofield, Director of Enterprise and Growth. This review will report in the autumn.

2. Geoffrey Spence is experienced in both investment banking and government.  He was Managing Director, Head of Project Finance, EMEA at Deutsche Bank 1995-2002, Head of PFI Policy and Private Finance Unit at the Treasury 2002-04, Managing Director and Global Head of Infrastructure at HSBC Bank plc 2004-07, and a member of the Treasury’s Council of Economic Advisers 2008-10.

3. Andy Rose, Acting Chief Executive of Infrastructure UK since February, has left the Treasury for a new role in the private sector, after over 6 years working on public sector infrastructure issues, first in Partnerships UK and then in the Treasury.

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Published 26 July 2011