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Learning Connect

A space for learning and development professionals in government.

What is Learning Connect?

Learning Connect is a new space for learning and development professionals across government. If you are a learning and development professional, please join our mailing list for updates on events in autumn 2024 and beyond.

Our first initiative was a free, online and interactive course which included sections on continuing professional development, accessibility, AI and digital platforms. Over 600 people joined and the course received great feedback.

If you aren’t a learning and development professional but still have an interest in learning and development in government, please sign-up for Campus News instead. 

Learning Connect events

We are ran a series of live workshops over spring 2024 which were free and open to anybody in UK government with a professional interest in learning and development.

To view a recording of previous workshops, click on the links below:

When Learning and Development Goes Well…and When it Goes Less Well (16 May 2024)

Professional Pathways for Your Learning and Development Career (18 April 2024)

Practical L&D Skills from Other Professions (21 March 2024)

Expanding your impact as an learning and development team (29 February 2024)

Published 21 February 2024