News story

Lifeboat appeal gets a boost from Sellafield apprentices

Sellafield Ltd apprentices had a once in a lifetime opportunity to join a lifeboat crew at sea after raising over £5,000 for a lifeboat appeal.

Lifeboat appeal gets a boost from Sellafield apprentices

Sellafield Ltd apprentices given once in a lifetime opportunity to join Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) crew

The group of nuclear trainees were invited to join Workington’s Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) crew for a day at sea as a thank you for raising a total of £5,500 towards the cost of a new state-of-the-art vessel – a Shannon class lifeboat.

Apprentice Jason Savage was one of the four new recruits. He said:

The experience was one I will remember for the rest of my life as it opened my eyes to the crucial work the RNLI do for our local communities.

We learnt lots of things including how to get dressed into kit quickly and efficiently, get the lifeboat into the harbour, navigate and drive the boat, radio harbour traffic controllers and even save a life… well not quite, one of the crew members jumped into the sea and we had to work as team to rescue him.

In the space of three weeks, the apprentices hosted a number of fundraising efforts including a site-wide cake sale, a car wash, local race night, sponsored walk and a number of other smaller activities in order to help the RNLI reach the £150k target for the Shannon lifeboat.

Jason added:

As the next generation it is important we give something back to the community in which we live and work. We’re delighted to have played a part in supporting the RNLI, Sellafield Ltd’s chosen charity of the year, and to raise money towards the life-saving Shannon lifeboat.

John Stobbart, RNLI Workington lifeboat coxswain said:

We are hugely grateful for the support we get from local businesses such as Sellafield Ltd. They have provided funds to assist the station running costs previously and have agreed to help the station raise funds for the Shannon. The vessel will serve the station at Workington for the next 50 plus years, giving 24 hour cover, 7 days a week, 12 months of the year with a dedicated crew who volunteer their service for no reward other than self-satisfaction and the opportunity to help others in need.

We have really enjoyed giving the apprentices an insight into what we do as we don’t provide this opportunity to youngsters very often. It is good to show them what is beyond the black and white image we have.

We are looking for volunteers all the time, as our crew is not going to be fit and young forever. If we get young people interested now we hope they stay with the crew for generations to come. Majority of our crew have been on the boat for 25 to 30 years and are still as passionate as when they first became part of the RNLI team.

Apprentices and graduates at Sellafield Ltd are still fundraising to raise as much as possible for the Shannon Class All Weather Lifeboat appeal.

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Published 29 July 2016