Lincolnshire illegal waste carriers targeted by Environment Agency
A multi-agency operation has seen the Environment Agency crack down on illegal waste carriers in Lincolnshire.
The Environment Agency, Lincolnshire Police, Immigration Enforcement, and other agencies’ officers stopped and checked vehicles on 30 September, in a bid to identify rogue traders like illegal waste carriers.
The operation targeted vehicle drivers who transport waste without the proper authorisation or written description of waste. Environment crime officers also checked whether carriers were transporting waste to authorised and legitimate sites where it would be handled properly.
The officers carried out 46 vehicle checks, out of which 13 vehicles carry waste as part of their business and provided advice to 6 of them that needed to carry the correct registration and transfer notes.
Senior Environmental Crime Officer Helen Silk said:
The Environment Agency wants to make sure businesses carrying waste have the proper authorisations to allow them to transport and transfer waste - a waste carrier’s registration from the Environment Agency and waste transfer note from the waste producer.
Everyone who disposes of waste has a Duty of Care to ensure their waste is managed and disposed of correctly by the people they give it to.
Waste crime has an impact on people and the environment. It blights communities and causes pollution.
Waste being transported with no authorisations is likely to end-up at unregulated sites. Such sites store waste in vast quantities and for long period of time posing significant risks to health and the environment, like fires which could lead to water and land contamination plus air pollution from smoke. Illegal waste sites are often the cause of odour and fly complaints too.
People who manage waste illegally do not invest in appropriate safeguards. They undercut legitimate business, and pose a direct threat to sustainable growth in the waste management sector.
The Environment Agency is asking the public to inform them of any illegal waste carriers’ activities - reports can be made anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
For further information on how to register as a waste carrier, contact the Environment Agency on 03708 506506 or visit our page on transporting or dealing in waste.
For advice on operating a waste business in Lincolnshire, contact the Environment Agency local team on 01522 785344. Details on the permits available can be found on our environmental permitting page.
For waste planning advice in Lincolnshire, contact the county council on 01522 782070 or visit their website.