News story

Live Q&A with Policing Minister Nick Herbert

Policing minister Nick Herbert joined us for a live online Q&A to answer your questions on the government's plans to change the face of policing over the next five years

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Questions were submitted via Coveritlive and via twitter using #policewebchat.

Last week, the government launched the consultation Policing in the 21st Century: Reconnecting Police and the People, which contains proposals for ways to make police in England and Wales more available and responsive, more accountable, more effective, and better value for money.

The document looks at proposals such as directly electing police and crime commissioners, creating a new National Crime Agency and cutting police bureaucracy. You can read the consultation and respond online on the Home Office website.

Live Q&A with Policing Minister Nick Herbert

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Published 2 August 2010