Livestock and Meat Commission Chair and Board Members
The Secretary of state has today announced appointments to the Livestock and Meat Commission

The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, the Rt. Hon Karen Bradley MP, has announced the reappointments of the Chair and four members of the Board of the Livestock and Meat Commission (LMC) for Northern Ireland. In the absence of Northern Ireland Ministers, the reappointments were made possible by powers under the Northern Ireland (Executive Formation and Exercise of Functions) Act 2018.
Gerard McGivern has been reappointed as Chair and Harry Sinclair, Jim Lennon, Oonagh Chesney and Gerry Maguire have been reappointed as members for a further term of three years.
The Secretary of State said:
My absolute priority is to see the restoration of the Executive at the earliest opportunity.
In the interim my responsibility is to ensure good governance and stable public services in the best interests of the people of Northern Ireland.
I am therefore pleased to make these appointments so that the Board can continue to support the LMC in its important mission of supporting, examining and informing the marketing and development of the Northern Ireland beef and sheep meat industry
The Livestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland
The LMC was established under the Livestock Marketing Commission Act (NI) 1967. It is an Executive NDPB and is sponsored by DAERA’S Agri Food Policy Branch. The LMC was established in 1967 and has the general duty of assisting the development of the livestock (cattle and sheep) and livestock products sectors of the local agri-food industry. It provides a range of services to producers and meat traders including market intelligence and undertakes promotional activities. It also administers the Farm Quality Assurance Scheme and market support arrangements for beef and lamb in Northern Ireland.
LMC Reappointments
These reappointments are made in accordance with The Commissioner for Public Appointments in Northern Ireland’s “Code of Practice”. The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland is acting under the auspices of section 5(1) of the Northern Ireland (Executive Formation and Exercise of Functions) Act 2018, as amended by the Northern Ireland (Ministerial Appointment Functions) Regulations 2019. Provision for the LMC is set out in the Livestock Marketing Commission Act (Northern Ireland) 1967. The Board is sponsored by the Department of Agriculture Environment and Rural Affairs.
The role of a Board member of LMC is remunerated at around £6,500 annually, the role of Chair of the LMC Board is remunerated at around £17,345 annually.
Biographies of Appointees
Biographies, showing the range of skills and experience which the members bring to these roles, can be found on the Livestock and Meat Commission website. The Commissioner for Public Appointments for Northern Ireland requires that other Ministerial public appointments held by appointees are published. Gerard McGivern is a Non Executive Director for the Northern Health and Social Care Trust, for which he receives £7960 per annum remuneration. Harry Sinclair is a board member for the Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland (where he is Chairman for the Farm Safety Partnership) for which he receives £3770 per annum remuneration.
Political Activity
All appointments are made on merit and political activity plays no part in the selection process. However, the Commissioner for Public Appointments for Northern Ireland requires the political activity of appointees to be published. Jim Lennon has declared that he supported the SDLP party during the 2015 general election. Other appointees declared no political activity.