LLWR Manager wins share of industry honour
Major cost savings expected for NDA Group as a result of the team’s pioneering work.
LLW Repository Ltd (LLWR) Manager Mike Coward has received the prestigious Shared Services Alliance (SSA) Walker Award for Collaborative Working as a member of a team that undertook a pilot project predicted to lead to major cost savings across the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) Group.
The award-winning team, drawn from across the SSA, undertook a collaborative supplier assessment on the management system arrangements of Nuvia Ltd, and its assessment report has been well received across the Alliance.
Such joint assessments are expected to reduce the burden on resources across the NDA Group and the supply chain, creating significant efficiency savings.
In an extreme example, one particular supplier had been audited 135 days out of 250 potential working days because of a lack of collaboration between SSA members.
“I am delighted the team won the award which recognises the hard work that went into the collaborative assessment,” said Mike, LLWR Operations & Projects Quality Manager.
“I think the potential huge cost and efficiency savings of this approach for both suppliers and resources across the NDA estate were a major factor in us winning the award.”
The team, led by Martin George, from Sellafield, and including DSRL’s Mary-Jane Statham, and Karina Pellow, of the SSA, is now developing a collaborative assessment programme.