News story

London Poppy Day raises more than £65,000

South east and London Veterans Advisory and Pensions Committees (VAPC) members among war widow helpers at Waterloo station.

Members of the War Widows' Association of Great Britain at Waterloo station on Thursday 29 october 2015 on London Poppy Day. Photo: Mrs Pauline Garlick. All rights reserved.

Members of the War Widows' Association of Great Britain at Waterloo station on Thursday 29 october 2015 on London Poppy Day. Photo: Mrs Pauline Garlick. All rights reserved.

A group of Surrey war widows, including members of South East and London VAPCs, joined military personnel and helpers from the Royal British Legion who together raised £65,674 on London Poppy Day at Waterloo Station on October 29, 2015.

Our day was amazing, said Penny Long, of London VAPC.

It was an experience and all of us have put our names down for next year. There was the most wonderful atmosphere and the general public were very generous.

She said:

It was also a very well organised event. We received free travel on trains, tubes and buses, plus Marks and Spencer gave everyone a £5 voucher for lunch.

Mrs Long added that while the group had arrived at 8.15am, the troops attended from 7am until 7pm. Personnel from the Royal Marines, Royal Artillery and the Gurkha band took part, along with Interserve, the creators of the Poppy sculpture at the station. Staff from Barclaycard were also on hand so that people could donate by card.

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Published 20 November 2015