London seminar: Correction or care? The use of custody for children in trouble (9 March, 2016)
In this free seminar Dr Di Hart presented the findings of a Winston Churchill Travel Fellowship looking at child custody in Spain, the US and Finland.

Dr Di Hart
Dr Di Hart has a background in childcare social work and management and until recently worked for the National Children’s Bureau. In this free seminar Di presented the findings of a Winston Churchill Travel Fellowship looking at child custody in Spain, the US and Finland.
Her talk included: * Key elements of each country’s approach to children in out of home care because of their criminal behaviour
Differences in underlying theories about the purpose of custody and how criminal behaviour can be changed
Practice within custody, both formal interventions and day-to-day life
Return to the community and outcomes
Proposals about an ‘ideal’ secure estate
Recommendations for reform in England and Wales to ensure better commissioning of services for troubled children
Please see the attached slide pack for further details.