London seminar: No health without justice and no justice without health (23 June, 2016)
10 years on: The impact of NHS healthcare commissioning for people in prison - informing future health interventions and prioritisation

Dr Éamonn O’Moore, National Lead Health & Justice Team, Public Health England and Director of the UK Collaborating Centre to the WHO Health in Prisons Programme
In 2015/16, the Department of Health commissioned Public Health England to conduct a rapid evidence review of improvements in health outcomes for people in secure & detained settings with a view to informing future prioritisation. This review coincided with 10 years of NHS commissioning of prison health services in England & Wales.
In this seminar Dr. O’Moore, reflected on the findings of the evidence review and identify emerging themes to be considered to ensure that prison healthcare continues to improve, not only for the benefit of people in prison, but for the wider population. He showed how prison health can contribute directly to addressing wider health inequalities, as well as tackling health-related drivers of criminogenic behaviour which can reduce re-offending and costs and improve community safety.
Finally, Dr O’Moore showed that health & healthcare is part of the solution as well as part of the problem and that there can be no health without justice and no justice without health.