London seminar: What is market shaping? (10 Nov, 2016)
In this free seminar Fiona reported on the findings of a review undertaken to assess the implementation of the Care Act and answer the key question ‘what is market shaping?’. She also explored some of the main challenges for local authority commissioners, and reflected on the implications for public care more widely.

10 November, 2016
Fiona Richardson, Assistant Director, Institute of Public Care, Oxford Brookes University
The Care Act (2014) was introduced in April 2015 and tasked local authorities with shaping a diverse, sustainable and quality care market, emphasising that their responsibility is to promote the wellbeing of the whole local population, not just those they fund care and support for.
One year on these market shaping duties are still in their infancy and earlier in 2016 the Institute of Public Care (IPC) were commissioned to undertake a review to take help commissioners and providers work together and to highlight good market shaping practice nationally.
In this free seminar Fiona answered the key question ‘what is market shaping?’ and explored some of the main challenges for local authority commissioners. She also reported on the findings of the IPC review and reflected on the implications of The Care Act for public care more widely.