Long term economic plan for the south-west unveiled
Jobs, transport, tourism, and defence at the heart of six point plan for the south-west, announced by Prime Minister and Chancellor.

The Prime Minister and Chancellor today (Monday 26 January) set out their six point long term economic plan for the south-west showing what has been delivered, what is underway and what more can be done to support the regional economy in the long term.
At a speech at the National Aquarium in Plymouth the Chancellor set out the detailed plan as part of a day-long tour of the south-west, on which he was joined by the Prime Minister.
Read the Chancellor’s speech in full.
The plan includes six points:
1) increase the size of the regional economy by £6.4bn in real terms by 2030 - equivalent to over £1,000 per person - by increasing the long term growth rate of the south-west to at least the long term growth rate of the whole UK
2) create over 150,000 new jobs in the south-west by supporting private businesses, advanced manufacturing and skills to ensure we maintain the current high rate of job creation
3) deliver at least £7.2 billion of investment in transport in the south-west and deliver a step change in digital connectivity, supporting the complete dualling of key roads including the A303, and the full electrification of Brunel’s Great Western Main Line including brand new electric trains, together with exploring the feasibility of a dedicated rail franchise for the south-west and delivering 95% superfast connectivity by 2017 through the government’s superfast broadband programme
4) support the tourism sector to draw more people to the south-west’s beautiful countryside and coastlines, with the aim of increasing the number of annual overseas visits to the south-west to 3 million by 2020, creating around 7,000 more jobs
5) ensure the world class defence assets and cyber security industry of the south-west provide the maximum benefit to the local economy; this includes new plans to expand the economic benefits of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines in Devon, the Army at Salisbury Plain, and the defence industries near Bristol, so we sustain 59,000 defence industry, 36,500 military and 17,000 civilian defence jobs in the region.
6) build on the south-west’s existing reputation in life and agricultural sciences and boost science more broadly, supporting tech clusters, green energy, promoting skills development and an innovative rural economy
There are no quick fixes to achieving these important goals, so the Prime Minister and Chancellor are also setting out a specific timetable to deliver the key concepts of this plan over the five years of the next parliament, and the following decade.
As important next steps in the plan for the south-west, the pair announced a number of new measures to improve transport links, boost tourism, and invest in defence:
developing a comprehensive rail strategy for the south-west by setting up a south-west Peninsula Rail Task Force – this strategy will increase resilience, reduce journey times, and increase capacity, responding to the 3-point plan of the south-west Connectivity Study. It will also address the question of the potential re-opening the inland rail route between Exeter and Plymouth
Coastal Communities Fund (CCF): the Chancellor today announced the successful bids for the CCF, a £10m package which will support coastal communities and is estimated to bring over 75,000 visitors to the region. This investment will create over 860 new jobs (direct and indirect) and support over 225 businesses, generating over £12m in increased visitor spending
Chancellor announced a new £2m challenge fund as part of the GREAT Britain campaign to promote regions and cities including in the south-west, to international tourists, students and businesses. He also said that he wants to see government support for a Mayflower exhibition in Plymouth in the run up to the 400th anniversary in 2020
south-west will be a centre of operations for the Army, Navy, Royal Marines and cyber security. The Chancellor therefore today announced a £900m investment in the Salisbury Plain area to create new service and technical accommodation for the army. GCHQ will also continue to play a major role in supporting the cyber security industry in the region, including by recruiting over 400 cyber specialists, the majority of whom will work in the region
working with leading experts to support the south-west’s technology and skills base: Mark Walport and Sally Davies bring together leading figures from industry, the NHS and academia to explore the potential for new proposals for investment in life sciences in the south-west, with a particular focus on medical technologies
As both the Prime Minister and Chancellor have set out clearly, the only way for the UK’s recovery to be truly sustainable is for it to be truly national. While the challenge is significant, so is the prize ahead. By pursuing this plan, the Prime Minister and Chancellor, aim to achieve real outcomes for the people of the south-west who have already seen the fastest employment growth in the UK.
The Prime Minister and Chancellor will be visiting a variety of businesses and institutions across the south-west to hear how the government’s long term economic plan is delivering for them and what more can be done to support the region.
The Chancellor will started the day by visiting a local fishing business in Cornwall, before delivering a key note speech at one of the south-west’s best known tourist attractions.
He will go on to visit one of the south-west’s largest defence employers before being joined by the Prime Minister to visit a local college and successful small business that has benefitted from the region’s recovery under the government’s long term economic plan.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne said in his speech:
The south-west contains some of Britain’s greatest economic strengths. It should be as central to our nation’s future prosperity as any other part of these islands. And the Prime Minister and I are determined that it will be.
That’s why I am here today, to set out our long term economic plan for the south-west - and why the Prime Minister will be joining me later today to seek local support for it. The plan I set out is based on this insight. Over the last thirty or forty years our economy has become more imbalanced, with the gap growing between London and the rest of the country. Our ambition is to reverse that - and it can be achieved.
He added:
What we need is a coherent plan that identifies those strengths, makes them stronger still - and connects them to each other so that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. If you look at the south-west, stretching from Wiltshire and Bristol, to Somerset and Dorset, down to Cornwall and Devon, of course, you see the differences - they all have a unique identity. But you also see the strengths they have in common.
What are they? There’s the beautiful countryside and coastline that makes this one of the most attractive parts of the UK, and one of the most visited. There’s the industries that thrive in this landscape - the agriculture, the fishing and the tourism - that are more important here than many places. But there’s also the great universities, the incredible science happening here, skills and high tech manufacturing associated with the strong relationship with our armed forces. Bring these ingredients together with better transport links and you have a very attractive place to invest, to grow a business and to build a life.
Speaking in Plymouth, he concluded:
So we have a long term economic plan for the south-west. It aims to create over a hundred and fifty thousand jobs. It seeks to add over £6 billion to the local economy – equivalent to over £1,000 per person. It will support the future of our defence forces and capitalise on their economic benefit. It will deliver the next step for national cyber intelligence, and other world leading scientific innovation. It will make the most of the countryside and coastal towns.
Our long term plan for the south-west is about recognising the value of both its natural beauty and the economic strengths nurtured by the people who live here. It says that we can only have a truly national recovery if we get behind the private sector, put in the transport, support the tourism, the science and the industries of the future. And it says that if we do that: the future is bright in the west. It is a commitment to you – and to your future. And with your help, we will help deliver it.
The Prime Minister, David Cameron said:
Our long-term economic plan for the south-west is about making life better for hardworking local people. It involves backing business to create more jobs, improving transport links and building on the region’s strengths to secure a brighter future.
For too long, people living in this part of the country have suffered from Britain’s unbalanced economy – from the growing gap between London and the rest. That is what this plan sets out to change – to ensure that Britain’s recovery really is a recovery for all
Further information: timetable for action and implementation in the south-west 2015-2030
Road Investment Strategy announced at Autumn Statement 2014 will see £9.4bn committed to new schemes nationwide. £2bn of that will be spent in the south-west, including upgrading of the M5, M49, A303, A30, A358 and A417 to reduce bottlenecks and provide motorway quality journeys
establishment of a south-west Peninsula Rail task force to develop a comprehensive rail strategy for the south-west, which will address the question of potentially re-opening the inland rail link from Exeter to Plymouth via Okehampton and Tavistock that could improve local connectivity
Network Rail develops plans for western rail access to Heathrow, based on a link from the Great Western Main line, which could potentially deliver a 30 minute reduction in journey times between Heathrow, the Thames Valley and all points west for 12 million residents, benefitting the whole UK economy
government will explore the case for establishing a new dedicated Devon and Cornwall franchise for the south-west of England, bringing together parts of the current Great Western and south-west Trains franchises into a coherent whole to support better timetabling and provision of rail services to and within the south-west, not simply focused on journeys to London. Alongside this, government would like to encourage local government in the region to come together to form Rail south-west, with the long term aim of devolving the franchise to local decision makers (subject to the development of satisfactory capability to let and manage such contracts)
negotiations with First Group over the Great Western Main Line franchise will be completed, with the aim being to secure significant improvements to trains and journey times to the south-west
work under the Filton Four Tracks Programme will get underway to double the track between Bristol’s two main stations, reducing journey times and increasing passenger and freight services
contracts are being signed to take superfast broadband coverage to 95% by 2017. . Technology pilots, including one in Exmoor National Park, will test innovative ways to bring coverage to the final 5% of premises
Technology and innovation
Agri-Tech Catalyst programme will spend £70m (which will be matched by private sector funding) nationwide up to 2018/19, with funds already allocated to a number of projects amounting to almost £1m for firms and universities in the south-west and a further round of bids currently ongoing
ensuring that knowledge gained by research activity is transferred and applied in farm businesses to improve efficiency and competitiveness has been identified as a priority for £1.5m of funding from the Rural Development Programme (RDP) by the Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly LEP
completion of the conversion of Bristol Planetarium in a 3d Data Visualisation Dome by April 2015. This forms part of the Bristol R&D Testbed, a key component of the “Bristol is Open” initiative. The Testbed, which has received £4.3m of government funding, is a joint venture between the City and the University of Bristol and will create the world’s first Open Progammable city testbed, linking data from across the city so that companies can test equipment, applications and software in a real world environment
both the 3D Visualisation Dome and the R&D Testbed are already generating interest from researchers, companies and universities around the world
government is contributing £4m towards the £16.5m cost of the West of England University Enterprise Zone in Bristol, which will focus on robotics and health technologies. Construction will begin in March
first phase of the Met Office’s High Performance Computer in Exeter will be operational by September, helping to cement the UK’s position as a world leader in weather and climate prediction and potentially delivering £2bn of socio-economic benefits to the UK
business cases for ‘wind engineering’ project benefiting Bath and Exeter will be developed
Heart of the South West LEP has identified as a priority projects to provide advisory services and knowledge transfer around Agri Sciences; promote SME competitiveness through giving business skills support; bring superfast broadband to areas not covered by the Superfast Extension Roll-out; help rural businesses to understand how superfast broadband can support them and offer bespoke support to those businesses that will benefit the most; and encourage rural businesses to reach new markets, seeking £15.5m through the rural development programme
UKTI south-west will launch their Global Entrepreneur Programme, which will attract entrepreneur-led, innovation-rich businesses from all over the world
Tourism and housing
investment of £4.4m to refund up to 50,000 Chinese tourist visas in the financial year 2015/16 to encourage more Chinese tourists to visit the UK and visit regions outside of London
this parliament, £532m has already been allocated to Local Authorities to deliver 25,580 affordable homes and 7,783 households in the south-west have completed mortgages with the support of Help to Buy
Get Britain Building scheme has committed to an investment of £54.1m which has already seen 456 homes out of a total of 700 delivered in the south-west. The remaining homes will be completed by 2017
Large Sites Fund has committed £52m to sites in the South West with 914 homes (out of a total of 6500 for the site) already completed at Cranbrook and building of homes at Sherford expected to begin in May
decisions on proposals for eight Housing Zones in the south-west are expected by Budget. These zones have requested £29m in funding and, if supported, could provide over 11,500 homes
further building projects are being assessed in the south-west under the following schemes and, assuming they are approved, work will begin in 2015. The Builders Finance Fund is considering a shortlist of 19 projects with a potential total investment of £66.8m, which could deliver 1,299 units. The Large Sites Infrastructure fund is considering a shortlist of ten projects with a potential total investment of £149m. The infrastructure being considered under this scheme has the potential to unlock 22,795 homes. Local Growth (housing infrastructure) fund is considering a shortlist of five projects with a potential total investment of £35.2m. The infrastructure being considered under this scheme has the potential to unlock 2,919 homes
Rural Economy
south-west will benefit from its share of the £3.5bn for investment up to 2020 under the Rural Development Programme (RDP) to boost farming, food, the rural economy and protect the natural environment; including £68m already allocated to be spent on local growth schemes in the region. Some of the projects that LEPs have prioritised for funding include £9.4m to support agriculture through diverse projects covering livestock and horticultural support through to farmer specific renewable technologies such as fuel generated from biogas plants, and £1.4m to roll out farm scale Anaerobic Digestion plants which could serve as heat distribution networks or energy storage in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly
- homes across the south-west will be better protected from floods thanks to an unprecedented six-year £2.3 billion flood defence programme, announced at Autumn Statement, providing better protection for at least 300,000 households by 2021. £149m of this will be invested in the South West with £19m being spent in financial year 2015/16. The programme will also support economic recovery and growth, working alongside partners including private companies, local planning authorities and Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs). Overall, the national programme will help avoid over £30bn in long-term economic damages. Some of the projects that are likely to see work started over the next 6 years are:
- the £30.9m flood defence scheme in Exeter to protect 4149 properties in the area.
- the £8.8m Dawlish Warren and Exmouth beach management scheme which will help protect almost 3000 homes and businesses.
- the £4.4m Exmouth tidal defence scheme, protecting 1099 properties in the area.
- the £3.4m Congresbury Yeo tidal banks project to protect 4,101 homes and businesses.
- the £3.3m Parret Estuary at Cannington Bends to protect 1257 properties.
- government will invest £535.4m through PFI credits in essential waste management infrastructure in the south-west over the next six years. This will amount to £74.1m in financial year 2015 to 2016.
£3.2bn is already being spent on the maintenance and repair of ships and yards, including HMNB Devonport, where it sustains 4000 jobs
second offshore patrol vessel built at Appledore shipyard is expected to be handed over to the Irish Navy
A400M is a multi-national tactical and strategic lift aircraft with over 170 ordered so far by partner countries. All the wings will be made in Filton, securing 8,000 jobs. 24 pairs of wings will be delivered to the MoD and customers in other partner nations in 2015
£15m contract to militarise the new Royal Fleet Auxiliary tankers awarded to A&P Engineering, based in Falmouth
investment in Salisbury Plain to create the new Army Basing Area for units returning from Germany – £900m to create service personnel accommodation and infrastructure, with the work being competed down the supply chain. In addition 1000 Service Families Homes to be built in this area by 2020
£1.4M of LIBOR fines will be used to improve childcare provision for service personnel in the South West. This will be spent on upgrading or opening new facilities across Tidworth, Warminster, Perham Down, Blandford, Bovington, Taunton, Collingwood and Bulford
£1M in LIBOR fines will be used for a Gurkha Homes project in Wiltshire which will build small clusters of homes for older Gurkha veterans and their partners
electrification of rail lines from London to Bristol, Newbury and Oxford will be completed as part of an investment in 235miles of new electric lines, making journeys smoother and more comfortable for passengers and quieter for people living near railways
Bristol area rail improvements begin, including converting Filton Abbeywood station to four platforms, an extra platform at Bristol Parkway and two new platforms and major investment at Bristol Temple Meads plus a new junction will be created at Bristol East
Technology and Innovation
- work completed on the West of England University Enterprise Zone, the first clients expected by July
Tourism and housing
- Large Sites Infrastructure fund will issue contracts for further schemes by March
Rural economy
ongoing work on key flood defence works will see investment of £33.5m in financial year 2016 to 2017
ongoing investment in essential waste management infrastructure through PFI credits in the south-west will amount to £85.7m in financial year 2016 to 2017
28 pairs of wings for the A400M tactical and strategic lift aircraft will be delivered to UK and partner nations, safeguarding 8000 jobs building their wings in Filton
third maritime patrol vessel built at Appledore shipyard is expected to be handed over to the Irish Navy
- electrification of rail lines from London to Cardiff complete
- first IEP super express trains will be introduced by Great Western, improving reliability and reducing environmental impacts
- Superfast broadband coverage reaches 95%
Tourism and Housing
- 700 new homes will have been built in the south-west supported by £55m of investment through the Get Britain Building scheme
Rural economy
- by the end of 2017, through the Priority School Building Programme, 16 schools will have been rebuilt or refurbished, with capacity for nearly 6,000 children
- ongoing work on key flood defence works will see investment of £26.3m in financial year 2017 to 2018
- ongoing investment in essential waste management infrastructure through PFI credits in the south-west will amount to £89.5m in financial year 2017 to 2018
Technology and Innovation
- Met Office’s new High Performance Computer will be fully operational
- ‘Wind Engineering’ projects will commence.
- government rollout of superfast broadband will reach 95% of premises nationwide.
- 26 pairs of wings for the A400m tactical and strategic lift aircraft will be delivered to partner nations
Rural economy
- ongoing work on key flood defence works will see investment of £20.7m in financial year 2018 to 2018
- ongoing investment in essential waste management infrastructure through PFI credits in the south-west will amount to £91.8m in financial year 2018 to 2019.
- first aircraft carrier with parts made in Devon begins initial trials and operations
- 28 pairs of wings for the A400m tactical and strategic lift aircraft will be delivered to partner nations. This includes the pair for the final UK aircraft
- if the business case is approved, work on the western rail access to Heathrow could begin as early as 2019
Rural economy
- ongoing work on key flood defence works will see investment of £15.3m in financial year 2019 to 20
- ongoing investment in essential waste management infrastructure through PFI credits in the south-west will amount to £94m in financial year 2019 to 20
- 28 pairs of wings for the A400m tactical and strategic lift aircraft will be delivered to partner nations
- 1000 Service Personnel homes and 3000 single living accommodation will be completed in the Salisbury Plain Area. An extra 4600 service personnel will live and work around Salisbury Plain
- construction will begin on the Stonehenge tunnel
Rural economy
- ongoing work on key flood defence works will see investment of £22m in financial year 2020 to 2021 with work completed to: protect 4149 properties through the flood defence scheme in Exeter; protect almost 3000 homes and businesses through the Dawlish Warren and Exmouth beach management scheme; protect 1099 properties through the Exmouth tidal defence scheme; protect 4,101 homes and businesses through the Congresbury and Yeo tidal banks project; protect 1257 properties through work on the Parret Estuary at Cannington Bends
- ongoing investment in essential waste management infrastructure in the south-west will amount to £100.4m in financial year 2020 to 2021
- 28 pairs of wings for the A400m tactical and strategic lift aircraft will be delivered to partner nations
- first Scout vehicles will enter service with the British Army. The Scout was announced at the NATO summit in Cardiff last year and has received 589 orders. Part of it will be designed by Thales in Bristol
- all British troops will have left Germany and be based at new locations around Salisbury Plain
- if the business case is approved, work on the western rail access to Heathrow could be completed as early as 2023
- work to upgrade the M5, M49, A303, A30, A358 and A417 under the road investment strategy complete by 2021