Lord Lieutenant for County Durham
Queen appoints Mrs Susan Snowdon as Her Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant for County Durham.

The Queen has been pleased to appoint Mrs Susan Snowdon as Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant for County Durham to succeed Sir Paul Nicholson KCVO when he retires on 7 March 2013.
##Biographical Notes
Sue Snowdon is a farmer’s wife, former teacher and magistrate. She co-ordinated the Durham Writing Project and was a tutor for adult literacy and numeracy. A well known charity fundraiser, she has supported the work of cancer research and the Butterwick Hospice for many years. A founder member of Bishop Auckland Town Centre Forum, she chaired the marketing and promotions group which developed and implemented an events led strategy designed to lift the profile of the town and immediate area.
In 2006 she led the team who were nominated by One North East to represent the region in the Enterprising Britain Awards.
The Bishop Auckland Food Festival was successfully organised, managed and nurtured by this group until 2011 when Durham County Council took over its management.
Mrs Snowdon lives near Bishop Auckland with her husband Keith.She remains very much involved with the local community, working with schools, Bishop Auckland College, Bishop Auckland Community Partnership, The Weardale Railway and is District President of the Scouts.