Lord-Lieutenant for Gwynedd
Edmund Seymour Bailey is appointed as Her Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant for Gwynedd.

The Queen has been pleased to appoint Mr Edmund Seymour Bailey DL as Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant for Gwynedd to succeed His Honour Huw Morgan Daniel when he retires on 16 April 2014.
Mr Edmund Seymour Bailey
Mr Bailey farms on his family’s extensive holding in South Snowdonia. He is a director of a tourism business and of a small renewable energy venture.
Mr Bailey has recently retired after serving 4 years as President of the NFU Cymru.
Mr Bailey is currently serving as a Deputy Lieutenant for Gwynedd.
Mr Bailey is a member of the Lord Chancellors Agricultural Land Tribunal and was High Sheriff for Gwynedd (2012 to 2013).