Lord-Lieutenant for Western Isles: Donald Martin
Donald Martin is appointed as Her Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant for Western Isles.

The Queen has been pleased to appoint Donald Martin as Lord-Lieutenant for Western Isles to succeed Mr Alexander Matheson, CVO OBE JP who retired on 16 November.
Biographical notes
Harris-born Mr Martin lives in Stornoway, Isle of Lewis. He was appointed Clerk to the Lieutenancy in 1997. In 2002 he was appointed Deputy Lieutenant and is currently Vice Lord-Lieutenant for the Western Isles. He has worked in a variety of posts within the Civil Service, Highlands and Islands Development Board and Western Isles Islands Council. From July 2010 to September 2011 he was appointed as interim Chief Executive for BordnaGaidhlig.
Mr Martin was Chairman of the Harris Tweed Authority from 2007 to 2013 and has been Chairman of Acair Ltd, a publicly funded Gaelic bilingual publishing company, since 2008. He has been a Trustee of the Scottish Hydro Electric Community Trust since 2008. He has participated in local, national and European seminars on minority languages, especially during his time as Secretary of the UK and Scottish Committees of the European Bureau of Lesser Used Languages. Mr Martin is a fluent Gaelic speaker and regular contributor to Gaelic radio and TV programmes.