News story

G8 Summit venue: Lough Erne

The Prime Minister has chosen to hold this year's G8 Summit at Lough Erne, County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
The Summit venue at Lough Erne, Northern Ireland.

The Summit venue at Lough Erne, Northern Ireland.

In 2013 the UK will hold the Presidency of the G8. As part of the year-long Presidency there will be a G8 Summit of the 8 global leaders in June. The Prime Minister has chosen to hold this year’s G8 Summit at Lough Erne, County Fermanagh, in Northern Ireland.

Bringing the G8 to Lough Erne will showcase to the world a modern Northern Ireland with huge potential for investment and tourism, demonstrating the growing confidence that exists in this part of the UK. It will highlight what Northern Ireland, its people and its businesses have to offer the global community.

The venue of Lough Erne 2013 was also chosen because it creates the right conditions to encourage open and frank discussions between the G8 leaders.

The Prime Minister said:

“I look forward to welcoming my fellow leaders to Lough Erne and to showcase Northern Ireland to the world as a modern and dynamic part of the United Kingdom.

“Northern Ireland’s transformation over the last 2 decades was made possible by the courage of so many people across sections of the community. Their determination and leadership has inspired the world.”

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Published 1 January 2013
Last updated 6 February 2013
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