Loxicom 1.5 mg/ml Oral Suspension for Dogs – Product defect recall alert
Product defect recall alert for Loxicom 1.5 mg/ml Oral Suspension for Dogs manufactured by Norbrook Laboratories Ltd.

We wish to make wholesalers, veterinary surgeons and pet owners aware that the VMD has been notified that Norbrook Laboratories Ltd has issued a recall for its anti-inflammatory product Loxicom 1.5 mg/ml Oral Suspension for Dogs (Authorisation No. EU/2/08/090/003).
The batch number is 6231-90D.
The product is marketed in a 10ml pack and has an expiry date of December 2017.
The 1ml syringe within the pack has ‘Lbs’ printed as the unit of measure instead of kg.
This error could lead to an incorrect dose being administered to dogs.
Should you have any queries in relation to the return of this product contact:
Mr Ken Allen Qualified Person and Quality Advisor ken.allen@norbrook.co.uk ; Tel + 02830 264435