Magna Carta month commemorated in Chile
The British Embassy Santiago celebrated Magna Carta’s 800th anniversary with several activities supported by GREAT campaign funding.
The Magna Carta Month in Chile began when over 400 people visited the Ambassador’s Residence in Santiago on Sunday 31 May during the celebration of Chile’s Cultural Heritage Day. Visitors watched Magna Carta videos and read essays by students from the Grange School on the theme “Magna Carta Today.”
On Monday 15 June, the British Embassy and Gabriela Mistral University organised a seminar for 100 guests from Chilean universities, law schools, and Members of Congress who participated in a rich debate about the legacy of Magna Carta after eight centuries. The Seminar was held in the building of the former Chilean National Congress.
That same week we also celebrated a Magna Carta themed QBP with over 300 guests that included former Chilean president Ricardo Lagos and current Minister of Mines Mrs. Aurora Williams.
Finally, on 2 July, the Embassy and the Chile Chevening Scholarship Alumni Association hosted a LiberTea seminar called “The Magna Carta and its impact on Chile today” for Chevening and UK University alumni. The seminar marked the culmination of a month-long series of celebrations to commemorate this milestone in Western history.
Further information
Read Ambassador Fiona Clouder’s speech about Magna Carta.
For more information about Magna Carta Month in Chile, contact Pamela Gallardo, GREAT Campaign Coordinator.
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