Maidstone man has designs on DVLA prize draw
A retired computer designer wins brand new car worth over £10,000 for renewing his vehicle tax online.
A retired computer designer from Maidstone has won a brand new car worth over £10,000, just for renewing his car tax online.
Brian Fridd, who is 76 years of age, and married with grown up children, used DVLA’s online service, and in the space of just four minutes he had taxed his current car and won a brand new SEAT Ibiza 1.2TDI CR Ecomotive 75PS car into the bargain!
DVLA have been giving away 3 SEAT cars every month in a free prize draw to encourage people to use its online and telephone services to tax or SORN vehicles. Mr Fridd joins over eighty other lucky motorists who have won a car in the draw.
Mr Fridd picked up his car from Hudson’s Ltd in Maidstone on 16 November. He said:
I am really pleased to have won a brand new ecomotive car, especially as it will save me money on tax and fuel.
He added:
I use the online service to tax my car because I find it very easy and it only takes a few minutes.
The service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and you don’t need to find your MOT or insurance documents, as DVLA automatically check these for you. It only takes four minutes.
To renew vehicle tax or SORN quickly and easily go online or phone 0300 123 4321 or EVL Minicom 0300 790 6201.
Notes to editors
SEAT has provided the cars at no cost to DVLA or the taxpayer.
The SEAT Ibiza Ecomotive was chosen for the prize draw because it met DVLA’s criteria (cars provided free of charge for a monthly prize draw, NCAP Safety Standards, low emissions, car tax bands A or B).
The prize draw initiative is part of a marketing strategy, to encourage motorist to use DVLA’s Electronic Vehicle Licensing system, which has won both National and European Business Awards.
The Electronic Vehicle Licensing Prize draw will be closing at 11.59pm on 30 November 2010.
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