Malaysia Airlines flight MH17: UK government response
News and travel advice relating to flight MH17, which crashed in Ukraine on 17 July 2014.

News and statements
30 July
29 July
28 July
21 July
Statement on MH17 disaster: National Security Council Meeting
The Prime Minister’s statement on Ukraine to the House of Commons
20 July
Statement on the flight MH17 disaster: Foreign Secretary’s meeting
PM calls with Chancellor Merkel and President Hollande on flight MH17 disaster
19 July
18 July
17 July
Ukraine travel advice
Read updated travel advice relating to Ukraine from the Foreign & Commonwealth Office.
British nationals who are concerned a friend or relative may be involved in the flight MH17 disaster should contact the Foreign Office on 020 7008 1500.
Social media to follow
To keep up to date with the latest statements and advice on Twitter, follow:
- @Number10gov – UK Prime Minister
- @ForeignOffice – Foreign & Commonwealth Office
- @UKinUkraine - British Embassy Kyiv
Updates to this page
Added link to G7 leaders' statement on Ukraine
Added statement on the Prime Minister's meeting with families.
Added joint call from 28 July.
Added statement on MH17 disaster, and Israel and Gaza from the National Security Council Meeting.
Added statement on the Prime Minister's call with President Putin.
Added link to statement on the flight MH17 disaster: Foreign Secretary's meeting.
Added update on PM calls with Chancellor Merkel and President Hollande.
Added statement on the MH17 disaster investigation and PM calls to other leaders.
Added PM call with President Obama on flight MH17 disaster.
Added government spokesperson statement.
First published.