News story

Management roles and responsibilities

CEO John Tuckett explains role changes within the Marine Management Organisation.

Chief Executive John Tuckett

As the new Chief Executive of the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) I have already had the opportunity to meet many of our key stakeholders and reiterate my commitment to engaging with you and keeping you informed on matters which may be of interest you.

I therefore wanted to take the opportunity to advise you of a number of high level changes I am bringing in to ensure we have the strength and depth of experience in places where we need it most and to be best able to meet the needs of our customers and stakeholders.

The following changes will therefore take place with immediate effect:

Andy Beattie

Will continue as Chief Operating Officer with responsibility for the Operations directorate overseeing all coastal operations, fisheries management and compliance and enforcement functions. Andy’s previous experience in leading this directorate will bring real benefit to this vast area of our work where the challenges are many and varied.

Steve Brooker

Will return to his previous position as Director of Marine Development which includes marine planning and marine licensing functions. Plan-led management of our seas is a core reason for our being and Steve with his experience of marine plans is best placed to drive this area of work forward across the organisation.

Dickon Howell

Will take on the responsibilities of the Acting Chief Scientific Advisor and the Evidence team and the Knowledge and Information Management team will also now report to him. As a marine scientist and given his experience in evidence-based decision making Dickon will bring a new impetus to this area of science, evidence and information management. This role will be advertised in due course and Dickon’s substantive role remains as the Head of Marine Licensing. In the interim, Shaun Nicholson will remain as Acting Head of Marine Licensing.

Michelle Willis

Will remain in her position as Chief Finance Officer looking after European Programmes for European Fisheries Fund, European Maritime Fisheries Fund and Corporate Support functions of Finance, Governance (including Board and Executive Services), Human Resources, Information Communications Technology and Programme Management Office.

I am confident that these changes will positively position us for the remainder of 2015 and allow us to continue to adapt to the needs of our stakeholders and the ever changing challenges the marine environment presents to us all.

If you have any queries on any of these changes please contact me at:

Kind regards

John Tuckett

Chief Executive

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Published 3 March 2015