News story

Manchester seminar: Personalisation, Innovation and Transforming Rehabilitation (19 May, 2016)

In this free seminar Chris and Caroline outlined the early stages of a socially innovative project to develop and implement a personalised approach to offender rehabilitation in the context of Transforming Rehabilitation.


Chris Fox Professor of Evaluation, PERU, Manchester Metropolitan University


Caroline Marsh Director, Caroline Marsh Management Solutions

In this free seminar Chris and Caroline outlined the early stages of a socially innovative project to develop and implement a personalised approach to offender rehabilitation in the context of Transforming Rehabilitation. Focussing on the concept of ‘desistance’ they set out how this leads to consideration of community capacity building and market development that draws on experience from the social care sector.

Chris and Caroline discussed key challenges and approaches to addressing these using pilot work being undertaken with Interserve / Purple Futures CRCs.

In summing up, the presenters explored implications for delivering commissioned services as part of a Payment by Results contract.

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Published 6 April 2016