World news story

Mandatory Online Payment for UK visas in Uganda from 3 February

All applications for a UK visa made in Uganda must be paid for online from 3 February 2014

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government


From 3 February 2014 all applications for a UK visa must be completed using our online application system and paid for online in US Dollars.

Payment can be made using Visa or MasterCard credit or debit cards, or the Skrill e-wallet.

The move to online application and payments will deliver a streamlined application process and is consistent with a wider global trend towards online transactions and payments. It meets the requirements of the UK Government’s Digital by Default initiative and will help cut costs in the management of the visas operation, which in turn helps to keep visa fees down. It will also be a safer system for both customers and staff as it reduces the risk associated with handling large amounts of cash during the visa application process.

For more information, visit the Home Office website.

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Published 3 February 2014