Marine Case Management System (MCMS) upgrade work planned
The marine licensing case management system will be unavailable from Friday 11 December until Sunday 13 December 2015

A news story from the Marine Management Organisation (MMO)
The Marine Management Organisation’s licensing case management system, MCMS, has recently undergone some upgrade work. In order for the upgrades to be implemented the system must be taken offline during which time all aspects of the system will be unavailable.
This upgrade work will take place across the weekend of 12 and 13 December and it is expected that MCMS will be unavailable from 17:00 on Friday 11 December until approximately 12:00 on Sunday 13 December. Please ensure that you ‘log out’ so that the application that you are working on is saved. If you do not do this prior to the start of these upgrades commencing you will lose any unsaved changes.
The majority of the work that has been undertaken has been cosmetic changes however as part of this release, the following will apply:
MCMS will look substantially different to the current system; this closer aligns to other Government websites. However all existing functionality will still be available.
Background changes mean the system will be faster to load and refresh screens.
The ability to download a pdf of an application is now available along with the location file which was uploaded to the site screens. You can find this by selecting ‘Search Cases’, searching for the application and then selecting ‘Download Application’.
We do not envisage you encountering any problems as part of this upgrade, however if you do please do not hesitate to contact our IT helpdesk on 0191 376 2660.
We would also like to make you aware of two important updates which are planned next year. These include:
- A significant upgrade to the public register making it much easier to access information and make representations; and
- A new upgrade to allow Licence holders to manage and submit any returns required under their licence.
Further information on these planned changes will be provided in due course.