Martha Lane Fox appointed UK Digital Champion
Founder of will encourage people to go online and improve efficiency of public services by driving online delivery.

Ms Lane Fox has been given a remit to encourage as many people as possible to go online, and improve the convenience and efficiency of public services by driving online delivery.
She will work specifically on initiatives such as the Race Online 2012 campaign and the transformation of Directgov, the government’s portal for online public services.
Prime Minister David Cameron said:
I am delighted that Martha Lane Fox will be our Digital Champion, encouraging more people to go online and access the information and services they need. Getting online can help people save money, find a job, access services in a way that works for them, and make connections with each other and with their community. It will also help us all to drive down the cost of delivering public services.
Ms Lane Fox will also sit on the Efficiency Board, which is co-chaired by Cabinet Office Minister, Francis Maude, and Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Danny Alexander, and oversees the government’s Efficiency and Reform programme.
Commenting on her appointment, Ms Lane Fox said there were “compelling economic reasons” for increasing online usage and that it was her “mission” to get as many of the 10 million adults who have not used the internet to do so.
Read the PM’s letter of appointment to Martha Lane Fox.
Read the full press release: Martha Lane Fox appointed as UK Digital Champion.