Maternal Mental Health Pathway aims to provide a structured approach
New guidance provides a structured approach on common issues associated with maternal mental health and wellbeing, from pregnancy through the early months after the birth.

New guidance provides a structured approach on common issues associated with maternal mental health and wellbeing, from pregnancy through the early months after the birth.
The Maternal Mental Health Pathway, focuses on the role of the health visitor but also recognises the essential contributions of partners in midwifery, mental health, general practice and third sector, and also supports professional practice
The pathway:
- sets out the benefits and principles for health visitors, midwives, specialist mental health services and GPs working together in pregnancy and the first postnatal year, as the basis for the detailed local pathway to meet the physical and mental health and wellbeing needs of parents, babies and families
- builds on good practice and evidence drawn from the professions
- outlines the challenges and potential opportunities
- endorses the practice of joint working and encourages an integrated approach to service delivery
The pathway aims to strengthen consistent, seamless support and care and to recognise that enhanced partnership working will support the delivery of the Healthy Child Programme and achieve quality outcomes for children and parents.