Media correction: Fatal accident at James Street station
Letter to editor published by RAIL.

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RAIL - ‘£460m deal approved for 52 new Merseyrail trains’, 4 January 2017.
RAIL issue 817 contained an article on the procurement of new trains by Merseyrail.
The article
The article reported that Rail Accident Investigation Branch recommended driver controlled operation on the Merseyrail network, following an investigation into a fatal accident at James Street, Liverpool.
Action taken
RAIB wrote a letter to the editor, for publication.
RAIL published our letter in issue 819. A copy of the letter is reproduced below.
I am encouraged to learn that our recommendations were taken into account in the procurement of Merseyrail trains, and planned modifications to platforms. However, your article (‘£460m deal approved for 52 new Merseyrail trains’, issue 817) incorrectly states that the Rail Accident Investigation Branch recommended driver controlled operation on the Merseyrail network, following an investigation into a fatal accident at James Street, Liverpool.
Our report recommended that Merseyrail should evaluate equipment and operational arrangements that allow the person responsible for train dispatch to observe the platform and train without interruption for as long as possible, ideally until the train has left the platform; and to allow them to stop the train directly and quickly in an emergency.
It would be wrong to conclude that DCO is the only way in which the intent of the recommendation could be met.
Simon French, Chief Inspector of Rail Accidents