Media correction: Track worker safety
Clarification published by Railstaff.

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Railstaff – ‘Published at last. RAIB’s report into red zone working’, 1 May 2017
Issue 234 of Railstaff (May 2017) contained an article on the Rail Accident Investigation Branch’s class investigation into accidents and near misses involving trains and track workers outside possessions.
The article
The article incorrectly stated that the RAIB’s report was ‘delayed by almost a year’ and that consultation of the RAIB’s draft report had commenced in May 2016. In fact, the draft report was issued to consultees on 3 March 2017.
Action taken
RAIB wrote to the author of the articles, requesting a correction.
Railstaff published a clarification in its June 2017 issue. A copy of the correction is reproduced below.
I am more than happy to clarify the length of their consultation period between the completion of the draft report titled “Class Investigation into accidents and near misses involving trains and track workers outside of possessions” and its publication.
Simon French has pointed out that (notwithstanding my impatience whilst waiting to read it) their draft was issued for consultation on 3rd March and the gap between that date and the report publication was just six weeks. He stated that this is “normal for a report of that length.”