Members appointed to the Council for Science and Technology
The Prime Minister today re-appointed 5 members, appointed 4 ex-officio members, and began recruitment of up to 10 new members to CST.

The Prime Minister today re-appointed 5 members, appointed 4 ex-officio members, and launched the recruitment of up to around 10 new members to the Council for Science and Technology (CST). The appointments will commence on 1 January 2011 when current members’ appointments expire.
The CST is the UK Government’s top-level advisory body on science and technology policy issues. It reports directly to the Prime Minister.
The 5 re-appointed members are:
- Professor Dame Janet Finch CBE - Professor of Sociology Manchester University and ex-Vice-Chancellor of Keele University
- Dr Hermann Hauser Hon CBE, FREng - Venture Capitalist and co-Founder of Amadeus Capital Partners
- Professor Alan Hughes - Director of the Centre for Business Research at Cambridge University
- Professor Michael Sterling FREng - Chairman of the Science and Technology Facilities Council and ex-Vice-Chancellor of Birmingham University
- Sir Mark Walport FMedSci - Director of the Wellcome Trus
The 4 ex-officio members are:
- President of the Royal Society - Sir Paul Nurse
- President of the Royal Academy of Engineering - Lord Browne
- President of the Academy of Medical Sciences - Sir John Bell
- President of the British Academy - Sir Adam Roberts
The Prime Minister also re-appointed Professor Dame Janet Finch as independent co-chair of CST for 1 year, alongside the Government’s Chief Scientific Advisor, currently Professor Sir John Beddington.
In addition, the government is seeking to recruit around 10 new members. It is looking for top-quality individuals who have experience at very senior levels in industry, business, academia and/or the third sector.
Prime Minister David Cameron said:
Science and Technology are outstanding UK strengths and are at the core of the Government’s strategy for growth and for meeting the challenges of the twenty-first century. This was reflected in our decision in the Spending Review to protect the Science and Research Budget.
The Council for Science and Technology has an important role to play in advising the Government on how to make the most of science and technology across the full range of UK policies and departments. The appointments I am announcing today create an outstanding team drawn from a wide range of backgrounds in business, academia, science and technology, and social science.
CST’s terms of reference are:
To advise the Prime Minister on the strategic policies and framework for:
- sustaining and developing science, engineering technology and mathematics (STEM) in the UK, and promoting international co-operation in STEM
- fostering the practice and perception of science, engineering and technology as an integral part of the culture of the UK
- promoting excellence in STEM education
- making more effective use of research and scientific advice in the development and delivery of policy and public services across government
- promoting STEM-based innovation in business and the public services to promote the sustainable development of the UK economy, the health and quality of life of UK citizens, and global sustainable development
The Council will work on cross-cutting issues of strategic importance, taking a medium to longer term approach. In developing its advice it will take into account the cultural, economic, environmental, ethical and social context of developments in STEM.
Notes for editors
1. Further background on the Council
2. The 9 independent members are senior, highly respected people active in the worlds of academia and business and from charitable sponsors and professional bodies. They were appointed in accordance with the guidance from the Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments.
3. Members are not normally remunerated except for reasonable travel expenses.
4. For further information please contact Michael Gibbs in the BIS press office on Tel: 0207 215 1635 Email: