Members of Parliament: outside interests
The Committee will be discussing the issue of MPs' outside interests at its scheduled monthly meeting this Thursday.

The Committee will be discussing the issue of MPs’ outside interests at its scheduled monthly meeting this Thursday.
The Committee last looked at this issue as part of its inquiry into MPs’ expenses in 2009 and recommended that:
- MPs should remain free to undertake some paid activity outside the House of Commons, provided it is kept within reasonable limits and there is transparency about the nature of the activity and the amount of time spent on it.
- Consideration should be given to ways of increasing the accessibility and usability of the Register of Members’ Financial Interests.
- MPs should be required to register positions of responsibility in voluntary or charitable organisations, even if unpaid, together with an indication of the amount of time spent on them.
- All candidates at parliamentary elections should publish, at nomination, a register of interests including the existence of other paid jobs and whether they intend to continue to hold them, if elected.
The Committee is an independent standing body whose role is to promote the 7 principles of public life, and to make recommendations as to any changes in present arrangements which might be required to ensure the highest standards of propriety in public life.