Military Air System Certification of Multi-Core Processors
An introduction to the challenges of certification for Multi-Core Processors in safety critical aircraft systems

F-35B Lightning Jet from 617 Squadron (The Dambusters) taking off from RAF Marham to take part in an Air Maritime Integration exercise. MOD Crown Copyright.
As single core processors become obsolete, the aviation industry is turning to multi-core processors to replace them, with the additional advantage of exploiting improved system capabilities. However, the lack of deterministic and predictable behaviour in unmitigated multi-core processors provides difficulty in their assurance, which is critical for applications which could lead to loss of aircraft. This essay provides an introduction to the challenges of certification for Multi-Core Processors in safety critical aircraft systems.
The MAA is receiving increasing enquiries about incorporation of Multi-Core Processors (MCPs) into aircraft design through the Military Air Systems Certification Process (MACP). This article is not a substitute for regulation or guidance material but serves to illustrate some of the challenges relating to MCP use in safety critical aircraft systems and their potential implications for future projects.
What are Multi-Core Processors?
Multi-Core Processors are single computing components, but with 2+ separate processing units, also known as ‘cores’. A MCP can run instructions on multiple cores concurrently to increase speed and capability. MCPs generally use a tiered storage system, using different sizes of shared bus, cache, memory controllers and memory devices, enabling more frequently used information to be readily and quickly accessible in smaller storage elements, and allowing seldom used to be held in a larger, slower storage. There are several ways that storage elements can be connected and communicate with each other and the cores, and the design of this is central to a MCP design for a particular application.
However, the strength of MCPs in speed and capability can also be their weakness, with contention, or interference, between the interconnected computing components having the potential to disrupt the application, meaning functions take too long to execute or can be processed asynchronously. This can be compared to when an app takes a long time to load on your mobile phone or computer and you need to restart the app and / or device; or getting the answers to a series of questions out of sequence. In an aviation context, a lower threshold example would be a delay in a mode selection on a cockpit screen. At the other extreme, this could be a flight control stability system that would usually expect an immediate response where a lag could have catastrophic consequences.
Why Multi-Core Processors in the Defence Aviation Environment?
MCPs offer a reduced size and weight, whilst increasing processing power in the systems they are used. Meantime, traditional single core processors are becoming obsolete, driving a move towards multi-core processor use. Theoretically, a MCP can be used as a direct replacement for older single core processors, by locking the MCP to only use one core. Equally, they can be used to enable new technologies requiring greater and quicker processing capability, whilst reducing the chip count for the system. However, MCPs can lack predictability, unless they are forced by design or operating system (OS) to emulate a single core processor, making them a particular challenge to certify for safety critical applications. As of 2022, the first regulatory Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) for MCP has been released in European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) AMC 20-193 and there is a clear roadmap to certification. No UK military MCP air system certification of a safety critical application has yet been completed to current industry standards, due to the novelty and demand of the challenge; similarly, there are few civil certified systems to the previous CAST-32A guidance [footnote 1].
Why are MCPs a challenge to certify in safety critical applications?
Current methods of software and hardware certification assurance hold principles of determinism and predictability at their heart. By comparison, MCPs, because of the dynamic way they allocate tasks to cores have inherent unpredictability, are complex and may be non-deterministic. This demands a deeper level of measurement and analysis when generating certification evidence.
MCP structure contain numerous interference channels, both visible and hidden. This means that two independent processors, concurrently communicating with the storage system, compete for access to achieve their task. If you imagine congestion on a motorway narrowing from 3 lanes to 2, this gives an idea that the impact of the interference channel could be minor in light traffic, or quite severe in heavy traffic, perhaps requiring a diversion from the motorway along an alternate route – giving rise to the uncertainty and non-deterministic behaviour. Some days, this may add 1 minute to your journey and be barely noticeable, whereas other days it could add 3 hours to your journey, causing you to miss an important appointment. It will never be possible to remove these interference channels, but clearly understanding and minimising their performance impact in the context of the system it serves is important to support an operational output, most specifically for safety critical functions. This could be achieved both through designed-in barriers (throttled / constrained chips) or mitigations (Operating System).

Interferences Due to Concurrent Access on Shared Resources. Federal Aviation Authority.
Worst Case Execution Time (WCET) and high-water mark tests are run to analyse the time tasks take to perform, but due to the complexity of the MCP infrastructure, the actual value may never be discovered despite running the tests repeatedly. As a result, despite these being quantitative demonstrations, they will only ever feed a qualitative assessment. There will come a point where an engineering risk factor will need to be applied and justified based on the extent of testing, perceived risk to function and the operator’s tolerance to that risk. Interference caused by applications running on MCP without mitigation usually generate a higher WCET, compared to those with constraints applied, such as temporal and spatial partitioning.
WCET is the longest possible execution time for a piece of code on a specific hardware platform, while high-water mark refers to the longest time path observed on one individual path. WCET is often the more pessimistic value and can be run in smaller blocks to enable increased analysis.
Testing and analysis can highlight incidences where the WCET is beyond a tolerable outcome, allowing various mitigations either by elimination through design or to minimise the effects. Mitigations are wide ranging and situation and infrastructure dependent, but can include robust time partitioning, and isolating caches and channels for sole use by one core. Any mitigation leads to a trade-off between performance, predictability, analysability, and complexity, which may be necessary to provide certification assurance of MCP applications where determinism is required. For single active core, this should not be an issue since this is generally an obsolescence solution; for new applications, it is important to select a chip developed specifically for aviation applications to reduce performance impacts due to interference effects.
Design Assurance Level (DAL) Allocation to Failure Condition
MCP assurance is structured using development rigour. Hazards and associated failure conditions are assessed as part of an aircraft design, including all Type Design Changes (see RA 5810 and RA 5820). The failure conditions are categorised depending on the potential effect on the aircraft, crew, passengers and third parties and range from ‘Catastrophic’ in the worst case, to ‘No Safety Effect’ in the best case. Functional Design Assurance Levels (FDAL) are derived from failure condition severity and correspond to the level of rigour required in the function development.
Functions at system level are implemented by ‘Items’ (hardware or software) as defined by ARP4754A [footnote 2], which in turn are allocated Item Development Assurance Levels (IDAL). For software items, the IDAL indicates the level of assurance that the software design needs to be developed based on the failure condition, with a range of IDAL A – E. The MAA would expect IDAL A, as the highest IDAL, to be attributed against failure conditions where failure or malfunction of software could contribute to a catastrophic outcome. Each IDAL is assured through compliance with sets of defined objectives, with higher IDALs attracting a greater number of objectives to satisfy, including the requirement for greater levels of independence. In same way, for hardware items the required objectives are derived from the assigned IDAL.
When assigning DALs to failure conditions, proof of functional independence can be used to reduce the DAL. If assigning DALs to lower-level functions within an architecture, it is possible to assign lower DALs to multiple independent functions that fulfil the higher-level functions. In software terms, there cannot be any dependence between the lower-level functions that could cause both functions to fail to fulfil the higher-level function concurrently. This includes use of identical software code between independent functions.
More information on DAL allocation can be found in ARP4754A.
UK MAA Regulatory Position
EASA published AMC 20-193, Use of multi-core processors on 26 January 2022 and it is expected that Type Design Changes using MCP in the UK Defence Air Environment will use this AMC, which builds on the CAST-32A guidance. AMC 20-193 applies for applications with IDAL A-C, IDAL D or below are not required to use this guidance since hazardous, major or catastrophic conditions should not result. IDAL C applications have a reduced number of objectives within AMC 20-193 to meet. There remains no specific guidance on the certification of MCP using only one single active core, although reason suggests that the requirement is to prove that the MCP is demonstrably restricted and partitioned to achieve single active core mode.
The AMC 20-193 does not stand alone and should be considered alongside the associated AMC for Airborne Software Development Assurance and Development Assurance for Airborne Electronic Hardware.
Defence Standard 00-970 [footnote 3] has recently been up issued to include EASA AMC 20-193 as the AMC for the assurance of MCP in safety related applications. The current guidance material due to the novelty of the technology is to develop an MCRI, for agreement by the authority, detailing the approach to MCP assurance using the guidance in AMC 20-193.
AMC 20-193 Objectives
There are 10 MCP objectives in AMC 20-193, of which all are applicable to IDAL A and B software applications hosted by the MCP and 6 or 7 are applicable to IDAL C applications, dependent on the specific detail.
The 2 planning objectives require the applicant to understand the system architecture, characteristics, and shared resources, including what it is being used for and how, together with identifying tools and methods to verify each hosted software component.
The 4 resource usage objectives (only 1 or 2 resource objectives required for IDAL C) require the configuration settings to be defined, interference channels to be examined and associated mitigations verified, and the worst-case scenarios confirmed to not exceed available resource.
The 2 software objectives require verification that the software meets the software guidance objectives and that hosted software components function correctly and have sufficient time to execute their tasks. This includes verifying data and control couplings have been exercised during software-based requirements testing.
The error handling objective (not required for IDAL C) requires the applicant to identify MCP failure effects and that the detection methods and are appropriate to the safety objectives.
The accomplishment summary objective requires the applicant to provide summary documentation detailing how each objective has been met.
What is the alternative to AMC 20-193?
There are ways of incorporating MCP into a system without the need to follow AMC 20-193. They include:
- demonstrably restricting the MCP to a single active core
- not certifying MCP systems above an IDAL D
- not linking cores with shared buses or caches or memory
- using a lock-step processor, where 2 cores run identical tasks and compare answers
Considerations for MCP Certification
As previously explained, the IDAL of the system using MCP will determine the number of objectives that need to be met and examples of projects successfully meeting all the objectives of AMC 20-193 are very limited. It is currently advised that MCP Certification for higher IDAL allocations requires planning far in advance of its required use.
MCP certification for safety critical applications seeks to analyse the performance, unpredictability and complexity and distil it to enable appropriate, well substantiated, risk-based decisions to be taken. A number of factors should be considered in constructing this argument, including:
- How do you know that the tool you are using to run your tests is providing accurate results? Has it undergone tool qualification in accordance with AMC 20-152A? If the tool is not qualified, the results could be providing a false argument?
- You will have made a number of assumptions in your analysis. These should all be verified through evidence-based analysis
- Where you have included mitigation strategies, how do you know that these mitigation strategies are effective?
- Do you have the appropriate set of experts and are they embedded in test design and then in running the tests and analysing the results?
- What is the intellectual property arrangement with your Design Organisations? You will need all relevant data to certify the MCP
- There is no suitable model to run tests, use the actual processor, it will reduce costs and increase effectiveness of your analysis
Certification of MCP IDAL A-C safety critical applications is a novel process that has not yet been accomplished in the UK Defence Aviation Environment. EASA AMC 20-193 is the published Acceptable Means of Compliance for Defence Standard 00-970 for use with MCP relating to IDAL A-C applications. MCP certification is such a challenge due to the known unpredictability, non-deterministic nature and complexity of MCP, leading to numerous visible and hidden interference channels and difficult to define worst case execution times. It is difficult to know that the analysis is complete, and this will likely result in a risk-based mitigation statement to justify why certification work is considered complete. Organisations seeking to incorporate MCP technology in safety critical applications are advised to begin their design work early using the Military Air System Certification Process detailed in RA 5810 and the Manual of Military Air System Certification, ensure they engage with experts in the field and consult the MAA Certification Division.
footnote 1: Position paper providing considerations for executing software airborne systems on Multi-core Processors written by the Certification Authorities Software Team (CAST) and coordinated with multi-national certification authorities.
footnote 2: ARP 4754A: SAE International Guidelines for Development of Civil Aircraft Systems.
footnote 3: Part 1 Issue 18 UK25.1309e(d)(1), Part 3 Issue 3 UK23.1309e(d)(1), Part 5 Issue 9 UK25.1309b(d)(1), Part 7 Issue 10 UK29.1309s(d). There are currently no active certification requirements for RPAS relating to MCP; RPAS projects using MCP would need to address relevant requirements via MCRI.