News story

Minister announces 'cutting edge' probation pilots

A new approach to managing offenders on community sentences will be trialled by two Probation Trusts Crispin Blunt announced today.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Staffordshire and West Midlands and Wales Probation Trusts have been chosen to run the two pilots as part of the government’s world-leading Payment by Results (PbR) programme to cut reoffending.
The Trusts will build partnerships with the private and voluntary sector to provide frontline services across their communities for up to 2000 offenders.

They will start working closely with the Ministry of Justice and the National Offender Management Service to finalise the exact details of their approach.

Justice Minister Crispin Blunt said:

‘I’m delighted with the Probation Trusts’ enthusiasm to help develop our cutting edge Payment by Results policy.

‘These ground-breaking pilots will for the first time test how real freedom to innovate, alongside strong public, private and voluntary sector partnerships, could drive significant reductions in reoffending by those serving community sentences.’

The four-year pilots start next year and will see Trusts form commercial partnerships with external providers to manage offenders. These providers will be rewarded if they reduce reoffending, but will bear the risk of non-payment if they fail to meet their targets.

By focusing on outcomes, the schemes will encourage providers to target their efforts where they can achieve the greatest success and encourage professional discretion in the management of offenders.

View more information on the Ministry of Justice Payment by Results pilots.

Read the press notice.

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Published 25 January 2012