Minister appalled by developments in Venezuela
Statement following announcement that the new Constituent Assembly will take over the established National Assembly’s powers.

The Minister for Europe and the Americas, Sir Alan Duncan, said:
I am utterly appalled by the decision of the sham-democratic Constituent Assembly in Venezuela to remove legislative powers from the elected National Assembly. This is a shocking blow to democracy in Venezuela, and a direct attack on a legitimate democratic institution. It ignores the will of the Venezuelan people and will only further undermine confidence in Venezuela’s democracy. The National Assembly and its Deputies must be respected and their rights honoured.
Poverty in Venezuela continues to rise, with more Venezuelans being forced into poverty every day by bad governance. This is a tragedy in a country with such enormous resources. This move will do nothing to tackle the urgent economic challenges that ordinary Venezuelans face
It is time for President Maduro and the Venezuelan Government to act responsibly. They need to reduce tension, respect democracy, and take responsibility for working with the Opposition to agree a positive way forward for all Venezuelans. The UK stands with the people of Venezuela and will work with international partners in our collective response to the gravity of this situation
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Published 19 August 2017Last updated 21 August 2017 + show all updates
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