Minister for Europe Visits Edinburgh
Minister for Europe David Lidington visited Edinburgh to discuss the outcome of the EU referendum with the Scottish Government

The UK Government Minister for Europe David Lidington visited Edinburgh today (July 6) to discuss the outcome of the EU referendum with the Scottish Government and Members of the Scottish Parliament.
Mr Lidington this morning met with Cabinet Secretary Fiona Hyslop MSP as part of the UK Government’s plan to engage the Devolved Administrations (DAs) at the highest level as the UK negotiates its departure from the European Union.
The Minister met with members of the First Minister’s Standing Council on Europe to set out the government’s plans for the creation of a special EU unit to tackle the complex issues ahead.
Mr Lidington also held discussions with Ruth Davidson MSP, the leader of largest opposition party in the Scottish Parliament, the Parliament’s European and External Relations Committee and, alongside Scotland Office Minister Andrew Dunlop, Consul-Generals based in Edinburgh.
The Minister for Europe, David Lidington, said:
The UK Government has been clear that the Scottish Government will be fully involved as the UK prepares to negotiate its departure from the European Union.
Of course, getting the best possible deal with the EU market, worth £11.6 billion to Scottish exports, will be crucial as the negotiations unfold – and we must not lose sight of the UK market that is worth four times as much to Scotland.
People should be in no doubt: the UK Government will negotiate hard for the interests of the whole United Kingdom and with the full involvement of governments from across the United Kingdom.
Now is the time for us to work together, as Team UK, to face up to the new realities of our position and to achieve collectively the best possible outcome for everyone in the United Kingdom.
Further information
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