MMO Chief Executive departs
James Cross is to leave his post at the end of August after being appointed as Chief Executive Officer of Natural England.

A new story from the Marine Management Organisation (MMO)
James Cross has acted as Chief Executive for the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) since 2010.
Sir Bill Callaghan, Chair of the Marine Management Organisation, said:
“On behalf the MMO Board and the staff I would like to thank James for his many achievements over the last four years; first as Director of Operations and then as Chief Executive. He has led the organisation with vision and purpose, achieving much. As a result, James leaves the MMO in a strong position to meet our future challenges.”
James Cross, Chief Executive of the Marine Management Organisation, said
“The past four years have seen the MMO grow in confidence and stature and we have left a lasting legacy for future generations through our work on Marine Spatial Planning, a step-change in Marine Licensing performance and supporting communities through improved management of EFF schemes. We have also supported Defra in their reform of the Common Fisheries Policy and we have led the way in developing an innovative methodology for Marine Protected Area management and Marine Conservation - all of which has been achieved against a backdrop of reducing budgets.
I am, and will remain, immensely proud of our achievements together and look forward to watching the MMO continue to grow and deliver.”
An announcement on future arrangements to ensure a smooth transition will follow shortly.