News story

MMO transitions its website to

Today (8 July 2014) Marine Management Organisation (MMO) will transfer all of its web information to the single government website.

MMO logo

A news story from the Marine Management Organisation (MMO)

From 2pm our website can be found at, with a holding page until this time.

GOV.UK is the central location for all government information and services.

At 2pm the original MMO website will close and all pages will either redirect to the website or The National Archives, where information which is not current will be held. People accessing the new website will still be able to use any bookmarks or links they may have.

GOV.UK has been designed to ensure that government information is easy to find and clearly explained. All of the information on the new MMO pages has been rewritten in line with Government Digital Service (GDS) requirements.

We are interested in any feedback or suggestions on the website changes, and you can email

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Published 8 July 2014