MOD gives blueprint to potential infrastructure partners
The Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO), the Ministry of Defence's (MOD) property and services provider, has issued the document which allows the three short-listed teams to prepare detailed bids to potentially become its Strategic Business Partner (SBP).
DIO’s Invitation to Negotiate (ITN) asks each team to further prove it can provide the MOD with a proposal to bring the right skills and expertise, before the organisation makes a final decision regarding its preferred option next summer.
The organisation, which manages the delivery of infrastructure projects and services for the UK Armed Forces and its civilian support staff, will introduce new ways of working from Spring 2013. However, procuring a SBP could realise further savings to benefit Defence as a whole.
Andrew Manley, Chief Executive, DIO, said:
The DIO’s principle objective is to support our military personnel in its Standing Commitments and in preparing for operations. We do this by providing and maintaining the places where they live, work and train.
In addition DIO is central to supporting the Government’s wider objectives in construction, property management and the delivery of supporting the services.
Changing the way we deliver infrastructure services offers a real opportunity to build a leading-edge infrastructure delivery organisation that will serve the needs of our Armed Forces long into the future
We are striving to create a high-performing and innovative enterprise. Our search for a Strategic Business Partner is expected to extend our capability by allowing DIO further access to private sector skills and innovation.
DIO has been working to ensure that the ITN provides a robust platform to effectively explore the use of private sector expertise. However, a contract will only be awarded if it can be found to provide value for money to the MOD and the taxpayer.
Following a robust procurement exercise, launched in May 2012, three teams were selected to participate in the next stage of the competition. They consist of:
Capita / URS / PA Consulting