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Modern regulation to support UK’s growing space sector

The UK Space Agency has launched a new traffic light system to make the licensing process smoother for satellite operators.

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Traffic lights in the night

With rapid changes to space technology there are exciting opportunities, with potentially significant benefits for the UK, as well as new types of risks that need to be managed to ensure safety, security and sustainability.

That’s why the UK Space Agency is adapting aspects of its regulatory framework to meet the regulatory challenges of the space sector now and in the future.

Traffic Light System

The traffic light system is a new pre-application licensing process for satellite operators. It gives prospective applicants an early indication of how likely it is that their mission would be granted a UK licence. Depending on the mission, it may also result in a tailored, more streamlined application process.

This approach will be offered to all prospective licence applicants and is expected to be particularly helpful to new entrants to the UK space sector. The traffic light approach has already been piloted with a selection of satellite operators who have welcomed the new system.

Third Party Liability Insurance

The UK Space Agency is also introducing a new ‘sliding scale’ policy for the in-orbit third-party liability insurance requirements it places on operators. This will help the Agency respond to the increasing variety of space risks in its consideration of licence applications.

For missions such as a low risk satellite deployed from or operating below the International Space Station the requirement for the operator to hold in-orbit third party liability insurance may be reduced or waived. On the other hand, it is likely that an operator planning a higher-risk mission would need to hold a greater level of insurance than that required for standard missions.

This flexibility will help ensure that the Agency’s licensing conditions can adapt to future innovations in a way that is proportionate and responsive.

This new approach should also make it easier for operators to procure insurance for large constellations of satellites that could be used for applications such as providing internet access to remote locations across the world.

Chief Executive of the UK Space Agency Dr Graham Turnock said:

We’re committed to ensuring the UK thrives in the commercial space age as part of the Government’s Industrial Strategy. That means having modern regulation that keeps us all safe while recognising the fundamental shifts in technology that have seen the cost and size of satellites plummet and their use increase. From mega constellations to satellite launches from UK soil, there are significant opportunities for future growth and jobs in the UK space sector.

The announcement was made during the International Astronautical Congress in Bremen, Germany – an annual meeting of global space agencies and industry. UK Space Agency CEO Graham Turnock will address the conference on Wednesday (3 October) about the UK’s plans to thrive in the commercial space age over the next decade by developing national launch capabilities and supporting the growth of satellite applications, while continuing to play a leading role as a founding member of the European Space Agency.

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Published 1 October 2018