More than 3 million applications to the EU Settlement Scheme
The milestone was reached less than a year after the scheme was fully launched to the public, with more than 2.7 million already granted status.

Home Secretary Priti Patel has today (6 February 2020) announced that there have been more than 3 million applications to the EU Settlement Scheme, according to the latest internal figures.
The EU Settlement Scheme is designed to make it straightforward for EU citizens and their family members to continue living in the UK after 30 June 2021.
To apply they only need to complete 3 key steps – prove their identity, show that they live in the UK and declare any criminal convictions.
Home Secretary Priti Patel said:
I’m delighted that there have already been more than 3 million applications to the hugely successful EU Settlement Scheme.
It’s the biggest scheme of its kind in British history and means that EU citizens can evidence their rights for decades to come.
It’s now time for EU countries to adopt a similar scheme.
Detailed official statistics, published today, show that there were nearly one million applications from those living in London up to the end of 2019.
It comes as a new wave of advertising begins next week to encourage those who have not yet applied to do so. It builds on the £3.75 million campaign which supported the full scheme launch in March 2019.
Adverts will appear on catch-up TV, radio, online and social media over the coming weeks, with some also in Polish, Romanian, Italian, Lithuanian and Portuguese newspapers.
Security Minister Brandon Lewis said:
I am really proud that the EU Settlement Scheme has now had more than 3 million applications.
EU citizens are an integral part of our society, culture and community, and this is their home.
I encourage everyone yet to apply to apply today and join the 3 million.
The highest number of applications processed in one month was in October 2019 when more than 400,000 people secured their status under UK law. Home Office caseworkers have been processing up to 20,000 applications a day.
A wide range of support is available online, over the phone and in person to help EU citizens apply.
There are more than 1,500 Home Office staff working on the EU Settlement Scheme with 250 based in Liverpool supporting applicants with any questions about the scheme or who need help applying.
There are also 57 voluntary and community sector organisations – funded by the Home Office – who have helped hundreds of thousands of vulnerable EU citizens, including the homeless, elderly and domestic abuse victims.
Education and Migrant Support Manager at St Vincent’s Support Centre Julie Linley said:
St. Vincent’s is delighted to have already provided practical support to more than 2,500 vulnerable EU citizens including the sick, lonely, homeless and those suffering from financial hardship.
It’s more important than ever that EU citizens have the support they need and we’re committed to helping as many as possible to secure their status.
Additional support is also available to those EU citizens in the UK who do not have the appropriate access, skills or confidence to apply. This includes over 300 Assisted Digital locations across the UK where people can be supported through their application and over 80 locations where people can have their passport scanned and verified.