Mossbourne to open new academy in Hackney
The highly successful Mossbourne Academy is to open a brand new academy in Hackney.

The Government has approved the plans to open a new academy following a request from the Mayor of Hackney to support an expansion of Mossbourne’s excellent provision.
The new school, due to open in September 2014, will be based in Victoria Park, Hackney, on the site of an old school - the former Cardinal Pole Lower School. The local authority is providing the site, with funding for refurbishment paid by the Department for Education.
At capacity, the school will provide 800 new state-funded school places.
Education Secretary Michael Gove said:
Mossbourne Academy’s achievements are extraordinary. Mossbourne demonstrates that any school, whatever the background of pupils, can achieve exceptional results and help students go to the best universities in the world.
Thanks to the dedication and talent of the sponsor, principal and teachers, the fortunes of thousands of children in one of the poorest parts of London have been transformed.
I am delighted that even more pupils in Hackney will now have the chance to go to a Mossbourne Academy.
Sir Michael Wilshaw, Principal of Mossbourne Academy, said:
I am delighted at this news, we are proud at Mossbourne that children in a deprived and disadvantaged part of London are doing exceptionally well and achieving the highest levels.
It is important therefore that we extend our influence and good practice. Therefore I am delighted that a new school sponsored by the Mossbourne Trust will be opening in South Hackney in the next couple of years.
I am sure it will be equally successful.
Jules Pipe, Mayor of Hackney, said:
I am delighted that the Secretary of State has agreed to this proposal. We will begin immediately the work with Mossbourne and the Department to support the expansion of their academy by four forms of entry in South Hackney. They have demonstrated how effective their model is and how well pupils can do.
Mossbourne Community Academy opened in 2004. It was built on the site of Hackney Downs School, which was closed in 1995 because it was failing. 41 per cent of pupils at Mossbourne are eligible for Free School Meals. In addition 23 per cent have been identified as having special educational needs.
Its achievements include:
- 82 per cent of pupils getting five good GCSEs including English and Maths this year.
- Ofsted rating it ‘outstanding’ in two consecutive inspections.
- 11 pupils being offered places at Oxbridge this year.
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