Motorists reminded of when they should tell DVLA if they have diabetes
DVLA reminds motorists of the driver licensing requirements if they have diabetes.

Motorists are reminded of when they should tell DVLA if they have diabetes, what the licensing standards are and given useful tips on driving with insulin treated diabetes.
Group 1 – cars and motorbikes
Motorists who control their diabetes by diet or tablets do not normally need to tell DVLA, but they do if they are on insulin.
Motorists do not need to notify DVLA if they are on any non-insulin medication unless they have suffered from 2 episodes of severe hypoglycaemia within the last 12 months, developed impaired awareness of hypoglycaemia or suffer visual problems.
Group 2 – buses and lorries
Motorists need to tell DVLA if you have any form of diabetes for which you take medication.
If Group 2 motorists are on insulin, they need to:
provide 3 months of continuous meter readings every time their apply for a licence
test their blood glucose no more than 2 hours before the start of their first journey of the day and every 2 hours while driving
For full information visit the diabetes and driving pages on GOV.UK.