News story

National Clinical Excellence Awards: 2021 results announced

Information about the announcement of the 2021 results and how to appeal a decision.

Doctors in operating room

Results for the 2021 award round have been communicated to applicants through their registered email address.

We have received reports of some instances where emails have not arrived due to being blocked by the receiving system. If you have yet to receive your outcome letter please call us on 0113 254 5392 or email

If you feel the process used to assess your application was flawed, you may request an appeal against the decision. Full details are available in our Guide for Applicants. You need to register your request within 4 weeks of us informing you of your application outcome.

Letters to employers with the details of all those receiving new and renewed awards, along with anyone who failed to renew their award and so receives a local legacy award, were sent out early in week starting 31 January 2022.

The updated National Nominal Roll, list of awards granted in the 2021 round, and personal statements of new award holders will all be published once the appeals process has concluded.

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Published 8 February 2022