Press release

Negotiations update on an enhanced UK-Switzerland Trade Agreement

The sixth round of negotiations on an enhanced Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with Switzerland took place in Switzerland between 3 and 10 March 2025.

Economic growth is the core mission of this government and FTAs have an important role to play in achieving this. We are seeking an enhanced FTA with Switzerland that guarantees market access for UK services suppliers, facilitates the seamless flow of data and ideas between two world-leading services powerhouses and provides long-term certainty on UK business travel to Switzerland. An enhanced FTA will contribute to growth and prosperity across the UK and build on our existing trading relationship with Switzerland. This currently supports 130,000 services jobs and more than £17 billion in services exports, including over £700m from Scotland and the North West.

The UK government’s focus in talks continues to be on agreeing ambitious outcomes in services, investment and digital trade which are not covered in the existing UK-Swiss FTA. During the latest round, good progress was made in financial services in particular, with both sides focussed on agreeing the most comprehensive chapter either country has signed. On digital trade, provisions on data, source code and cryptography were discussed.

A number of chapters were provisionally closed during this round, including customs and trade facilitation, and transparency.

The government will only ever sign a trade agreement which aligns with the UK’s national interests, upholding high standards across a range of sectors, alongside protections for the National Health Service.   

The next round of negotiations is expected to take place in the UK in early summer 2025.

Any organisations or individuals interested in speaking to the Department for Business and Trade about negotiations with Switzerland should do so by emailing

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Published 25 March 2025