Net closes in on illegal Somerset angler
Somerset angler caught hook, line and sinker, fishing without a licence and providing false information to Environment Agency officers.

Environment Agency officers use bodycam video to help convict those who break the law
A man from Somerset has been prosecuted for fishing illegally at Viaduct Fishery, in Somerton, earlier this year.
At Swindon magistrates’ court, Aaron Thurston, 35, from Street, pleaded guilty to both fishing without a rod licence and to giving false details when challenged by Environment Agency water bailiffs.
Ironically, it was clear that Thurston had given incorrect information when the false name and address he provided just so happened to be those of someone our bailiffs knew.
Thurston was ordered to pay £751, £220 in fines for each offence, £135 in costs and a £176 victim surcharge.
Richard Dearnley, an Environment Agency water bailiff, said:
We are pleased with another successful prosecution for unlicensed fishing and hope the penalty received will deter others planning to fish illegally. The Environment Agency and courts take these offences very seriously.
Illegal fishing undermines our efforts to ensure fish are protected and fishing is sustainable, and enforcement officers like me are on patrol around the clock to combat this crime.
Those wishing to fish in England and Wales must purchase a fishing licence. The money raised through rod licence sales is reinvested into our fisheries to enhance and protect them for the benefit of both fish and anglers.
Additionally, as in this case, any attempts to deceive or obstruct Environment Agency officers will result in additional charges.
Licences can be purchased online or by phone. More information can be found on our fishing licences webpage.
Anyone with information about illegal fishing can report this to the 24/7 Environment Agency incident hotline on 0800 807060, or anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.